National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
Maharashtra Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (MIEPA) was declared as School Leadership Academy (SLA) vide Government letter dated 5th January, 2017. The capacity building programmes like SLDP, ELDP, KPALP, SHALA SIDDHI, SMDC have been completed by MIEPA-SLA till 2019. A state and district level webinar series on the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was organized in association with DIETs under guidance of MIEPA-SLA for headmasters, teachers and supervisory officers across districts, talukas, and villages. The series covered 52 key topics related to school education outlined in NEP 2020 with expert guidance provided through 195 sessions. These topics addressed school education, teacher education, teaching methods and the skills necessary for developing school leadership. The webinars are also available on MIEPA's YouTube channel. SLA Maharashtra launched the Online Programme on School Leadership and Management (PSLM) which was successfully completed by large number of participants over the years. Online modules on school leadership development in Marathi were developed. Several video documentaries were also produced, featuring outstanding schools. Case studies documenting leadership practices in schools were created, additionally useful caselets were also prepared which serve as reference materials for PSLM and leadership courses. Several courses were successfully completed by officers, including monitoring and evaluation, effective team management and social emotional learning. MIEPA-SLA also conducted research studies in collaboration with the University of Mumbai as part of the Leadership Development Programme.